Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Declaration of Independence

Okay, as a Canadian, we don't have independence in the same sense. Yes, we still acknowledge the monarchy, but only as figure heads.

But that's not gonna stop me from declaring independence from what's been holding me down - MY FAT! My Muffin top. The Chub Rub that seems to never go away!!!

Well, I'm here to tell y'all right now. ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!!!

I'm gonna loose over 20lbs before my journey is finished. I will be able to wear this bikini out in public and look GREAT! Heck, even downright SEXY.

I'm declaring war on BODY FAT! It's gotta GO GO GO!

emoticon Gonna tie it to the tail of one of these fireworks and watch it fly away and EXPLODE!

Never allowed to return here. No if's and's or but's about it.

DIY Challenge - Entry form

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DIY Challenge Entry Form
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emoticon My Challenge Name: NoMoChubRub!
emoticon My Starting Weight: 226lbs
emoticon Four Other things I will be measuring during this challenge & their current stats: (body measurements, race times, crunch max, jeans size, whatever YOU need to track)
1. Waist size: around belly button 41"
2. Longest Run Distance: so far 7miles
3. Jeans size: 34/14
4. Thigh Measurement: Right thigh 28 1/4" - bigger than some ladies waist ...

emoticon If I am going to be 100% honest with myself, the reason I am doing this challenge is because:
I have been stalled out on the weight loss front. I want those numbers to drop again. I am also training for a marathon. I need to keep increasing my running distances.

emoticon I feel like the reason that I have not been progressing as well as I hoped I would be is because:
I have forgotten that this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I keep thinking it's easy. That it will just happen. I forget that I have to work hard EVERY DAY to get there.

emoticon This time, I commit to finishing my challenge because I know that:
I have to just work harder. Push harder. I don't want to embarrass myself at the marathon and not finish in time.

emoticon I'm scared of:
Pushing myself but not seeing progress on the scale, or waist size, or running distance...

emoticon I want to:
Finish this challenge strong! Be smaller. Run farther.

emoticon But I have faith in:
um um um....

emoticon And THIS TIME, I will NOT quit, because THIS TIME:

emoticon My top five non-health related motivations right now are:
1. Finishing the marathon in under 6.5hours
2. Fitting back into my smaller jeans
3. Turning heads when I walk down the street again.
4. My new bikini's that I can't even dare to wear out in public yet
5. To prove to myself I can do this.

emoticon The best way to motivate me is to:
motivate others. Remind them how easy it is to not let this day pass them by. To take full advantage of it. And to see the progress.

emoticon The best way I can motivate myself is to:
Be active on this site. Motivating others. Sharing in their accomplishments. Sharing my own accomplishments as we go.

emoticon My name is NoMoChubRub and I will Finish this challenge with No More Chub Rub!

My Before Pic.

DIY Challenge - July 1-4

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Because this challenge starts on the weekend that celebrates America's Independence Day, part of your first challenge will be written. The rest all involves sweating and eating. You down?

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1. In your blog (dundundun), post a public declaration of your independence from your own oppression. It can be short and sweet. It can be a list. It can be a giant picture of you with your arms open wide smiling up at the sunshine and a short caption. It can be a long detailed memoire of how you got to where you are now. It can be a poem. It can be a rap, for all I care. But make your public declaration and update your ticker to your official challenge start weight. (Yeah I know a lot of yous skipped that. mhmmm.)

2. You can eat whatever you want this weekend... IF you eat two healthy servings for every one crap serving. Keep a list of all the healthy stuff you eat cause I will ask you about it on Tuesday. Hopefully your list will be long.

3. On 3 of the next 4 days, you must work out for a total of 30 minutes each day. This can be a power walk, a swim, chasing the kids around the yard for a full 30, a short run, mowing the lawn (with a push mower), jumping jacks, P90X i dont care. MAKE TIME. 30 minutes is nothing. I will have you report your activities on Tuesday, so mark them on your calendars.

4. On one of the next our days, you must workout for one full hour. Situps, running, biking, hiking, swimming, dancing in your kitchen, doing yard work, moving, I dont care. I will have you report your activities on Tuesday, so mark them on your calendars.

You want results? Work for them.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


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So, it looks like I'll be busy this weekend. These will be incorporated into my own daily challenges.